Dog People are not People People

I have a lot of fun coding the Paw Tap Secretarial Software. I also enjoy training my dogs and competing in dog sports. I like to think I’m pretty good at training my dogs and living with my dogs.

Over the years I have come to realize that dog people are not necessarily people people. I am one of these people. I do much better with dogs and computers than I do with people. I suffer through social anxiety. It is something I have had all my life, from when I was a very small child. This anxiety is still apparent today, in my adult life, and one of the biggest triggers of my anxiety is supporting the Paw Tap software.

Therefore the support for this software can be spotty and delayed. I hope that the Google Group (link in right menu) allows people to help support each other when I cannot. I try to answer questions and provide help when I can.

Releasing this software to the public causes me sleepless nights and spinning thoughts. It’s one of the most public things I’ve ever done. So I hope those who buy this software will be patient and understand this is not an easy thing for me to do.

Comments (3)

  1. How much is the Barn Hunt/ Scent version for windows. I currently have the windows PawTap version from about 4 years ago.

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