After Purchase Page

Thanks for buying the Paw Tap Secretarial Software!

It’s highly recommended that you join the user support Google Group. To do so please click here:

Documentation can be found on the right menu of this website, please read through the documentation to help you get V2 set up:

The developer has spent hours and hours of her time coding this software. Unlike a full-time job with pay and benefits, she will never be paid what her time cost. She realizes that dog clubs cannot afford much for software and other things to run a trial, so she tries to keep the price down. So please be respectful and do not try to share the software with anyone who has not purchased it.

If you have questions please first refer to the Google Group. If you cannot find your answer there you can email the developer at

Paw Tap V2.0 is an entire rewrite in new software. It’s written in JavaScript and the Quasar Framework using ElectronJS so it can be a desktop application.